20th Oct 2015 | Webmaster
Why You Should Care About The United Nations Climate Change Conference
The upcoming United Nations Climate Change Conference to be held in Paris in November is a big deal. The conference may very well set the course for the reversal of our planet’s current climate problems, or worryingly, it could lead to our world’s continued decline. Starting on November 30 and ending December 11, the Conference will attract high-level representatives from more than 190 nations in hopes that a new global agreement on climate change, including targets to reduce greenhouse gases, will be reached. Why is Paris especially important? Nations coming together to discuss environmental
24th Jul 2015 | Andrew
Solar Power And How To Calculate Your Return On Investment
Contributing less to pollution and more to sustainability are great reasons to buy a solar energy system. And let’s face it, seeing a return on your investment is a pretty nice incentive too. But how quickly can solar panels pay themselves off and how do you work it out? Let’s find out. To calculate your return on investment, there’s four main things your need to know: The cost of energy How much energy your prospective solar power system produces The cost of your system How much solar energy you produce will be consumed by your home – or more specifically, how much you will be sending to the
30th Jun 2015 | Andrew
Australia’s energy sector is undergoing a revolution. For too long, fossil fuels have been the heavy hitters of energy production. Thankfully (and not a second too soon), team renewables has entered the fray with solar power as a key weapon. Importantly, the revolution has been consumer-driven. And with technology very much in tune with the energy-saving desires of the people, solar power is flourishing in Australia, even despite the recent tumultuousness caused by Tony Abbott slashing the Renewable Energy Target. Most homeowners today have the power of choice – that is, the choice of where
13th May 2015 | Andrew
Tesla Power to The People
Solar Batteries May Allow Households To Reap Profits from Surplus Energy The feed-in tariff from excess power generated by solar panels is one of the great incentives for potential solar energy customers. While solar panel owners are rightly rewarded for the extra energy they send back to the grid, they have little to no control in determining the price of that energy, nor when they decide to share it. Imagine if you, as a solar owner, were able to pull all the strings – to store surplus solar energy in your own device and to sell it at a profit when demand is high. Your home would be a
20th Apr 2015 | Andrew
LA - Green City Of The Month
Our newest Greenie of the Month isn’t a person, or a group or a company – it’s a whole city. The city of Los Angeles in sunny California gets our nod for this month’s award for its recently released sustainability framework. Now, this framework doesn’t just pay lip service to the notion of a more sustainable future. It’s a heavy-duty, 108-page planning document that explores a whole variety of different initiatives that would greatly benefit the sprawling city’s 3.8 million people. For travellers, LA is mostly known for its high end shopping, beautiful beaches and Hollywood Stars. But for
20th Apr 2015 | Andrew
where to start
With so many fantastic benefits, it’s little wonder that solar panels are so commonly seen on rooftops across Australia. They can lower your power bills, reduce your environmental impact, harness Australia’s sunny conditions and add value to your home. But when it comes to choosing a solar power system, what’s best for you? Firstly, let’s look at the three main components that will make up your system – solar panels, solar inverters and the mounting system. Solar Panels The three most popular solar panels in Australia are Polycrystalline/Multicrystalline, Monocrystalline and Quasi
20th Apr 2015 | Andrew
choosing panels
Solar panels are a long term investment. So it’s important to do a bit of your own research before making your purchase. Luckily, we’ve prepared an easy-to-follow guide including all the important info, tips and considerations to think about when choosing solar panels. Solar Panel Shopping – What To Consider Cost Not all solar panels are equal. Prices vary depending on size, brand reputation, quality of materials, durability, warranty and any certifications the panels might have. Choosing solar panels on price alone isn’t always a great idea. Go for the biggest and the best panels, and they
12th Mar 2015 | Webmaster
Solar Incentives Are Still Available
There’s no doubting it. Renewable energy is one of the hot topics of 2015. And whilst the debate around the state of solar rages on in Government and the media, it’s not always easy to gain a crystal clear idea of the incentives that come with making the switch. Whilst the misinformation regarding solar can sometimes muddy the waters, you can rest assured that solar is here to stay and there’s still plenty of reasons to get on board. Up-Front Savings - STCs Most residential solar owners can continue to take advantage of a rebate (or STCs – Small Scale Technology Certificates) when purchasing
12th Mar 2015 | Andrew
smart apps
Welcome to the age of apps. Smart phone apps that is. Where pretty much every part of your day can be enhanced, simplified, tracked and recorded by a little square thumbnail that sits on your phone’s background. Incredible isn’t it? OK, so maybe not all apps are that life enriching… Luckily for you, we’ve sorted through the sea of apps out there to bring you five ‘greeny’ favourites that will help you to make a positive impact on our environment. CarbonTrack If you tracked your business’ carbon footprint, would you like what you saw? CarbonTrack is an app designed to give businesses an idea of
3rd Feb 2015 | Andrew
hybrid inverters
Here at Solargain we’re excited to announce our soon-to-be-released Hybrid Inverters which will have the option for battery storage – that is, batteries that store excess solar energy to use during peak times! Whilst conventional inverters require additional accessories to be retrofitted in order to make them solar battery compatible, hybrid inverters are ‘storage-ready’, which means you’re able to install batteries right away. For current customers with traditional inverters installed, most of Solargain’s inverter models will soon offer retrofit equipment to make them battery compatible. By
3rd Feb 2015 | Andrew
Starbucks is leading the green charge one bean at a time. Rotate your body 360 degrees just about anywhere in downtown Manhattan and you’re almost guaranteed to spot a Starbucks cafe. They’re everywhere! The Starbucks phenomenon isn’t just limited to the States, either. Starbucks is well and truly a global organisation with over 21,000 stores in 65 countries (including 24 cafes across Australia). That means a lot of milk (over 90 million gallons a year), a stack of cups (well over two billion to be precise), huge energy consumption and the collective pupil dilations of millions around the
11th Dec 2014 | Andrew
The Latest In Sustainable Technologies
New and exciting sustainable technologies are popping up every day – and that’s great! So, what can you expect to be making the headlines in the not too distant future? Join us in taking a glimpse into our mystical eight ball as we shed some light on two of planet earth’s most promising upcoming gizmos. Plug and Play PV system The clever bunch at The Fraunhofer Center for Sustainable Energy Systems (CSE) have come up with this one and it’s sure to change the way solar panels are installed going forward. Funded by the U.S. Department of Energy SunShot Initiative, the Plug and Play System is