As of July 1, 2016 electricity charges are set to Increase by 3% In WA becoming more expensive for Western Australian homeowners and businesses.
The WA State Government announced a 3% increase to the Home Plan (A1) electricity tariff as part of their 2016-17 state budget. The increase applies to most residents and businesses supplied by Synergy, as well as those outside the South West who are customers of Horizon Power.
Aside from this price increase, the Budget forecasts further price hikes of 7% over the next three years, meaning power bills will become increasingly hard to manage for many average families. Now more than ever, homeowners are turning their sights to renewable energy to help manage the cost of rising power bills. Fortunately, a great range of technology is available. As a solar power retailer, Solargain has already helped over 40,000 homeowners across the country slash their electricity bills, here’s five ways to reduce your energy bill:
1. Install Solar Power
A 5kW solar power system can save an average household (with around four occupants) as much as $1990 every year. Though this number varies depending on the installation type and location, it goes to show the real benefits that switching to solar has on the hip pocket.
Today, solar panels are dramatically cheaper compared to what they were just eight years ago. For example, an average 5kW solar power system in 2008 cost up to $40,000, whilst today that figure has plummeted to just $6500.
Best of all, solar panels and inverters are now smarter than ever, making them more efficient and reducing the time it takes for your investment to be returned.
2. Install Solar Hot Water
Water heating accounts for a huge portion of the overall energy usage in your home. Installing a solar hot water system is an easy way to cut these costs down.
In fact, solar hot water neutralises up to 80% of your water heating costs. And even better you never have to worry about running out of hot water – because all solar hot water systems come with a gas or electric booster.
When coupled with solar panels, installing solar hot water gives you the satisfaction of minimising electricity costs across all areas of your home.
3. Consider Battery Storage
Solar batteries allow you to store excess electricity generated by your solar panels during the day for use at night. It’s predicted that these revolutionary products will one day feature in every home that has panels, and early adopters are already seeing the benefits.
Using your own stored energy in the evening means even less reliance on the grid for power… and that equals lower electricity bills.
4. Choose Smart Lighting & Appliances
Switching to renewable energy is one half of the journey to lower electricity bills – the other is slashing your consumption. This can be achieved by using energy-efficient lighting (such as LEDs and timers) along with appliances and white-goods that score highly in the Government’s energy rating system.
Making a conscious effort to conserve power also goes a long way. There are plenty of tips out there to help you do this… and to spur you along why not turn your pledge to save power into a family challenge?
5. Shift Your Usage
For those of you who’ve already installed solar power, try load shifting to ramp up your energy savings. Load shifting refers to re-adjusting your energy usage so that you consume more electricity during the day.
Solar panels and inverters don’t work at night which means that all the electricity you use when the sun goes down is actually being derived from the grid (unless you’ve got solar batteries).
Load shifting helps you to take advantage of the energy being produced by your panels during the day. Some examples of load shifting include running washing machines, dishwashers, heating, cooling and pool cleaners during the day as opposed to night.
You’ve Got The Power
Though it can seem like we’re at the mercy of the Government when it comes to the cost of electricity, you’ve got the power to pay less for your utility bills. By using solar energy and making changes to the way you consume power at home, you can make a huge difference to your overheads.
For more information about solar power or solar hot water – or for an obligation-free quote, get in touch with our team today!