Did you know Solargain’s team has 12 Customer Liaison Officers to handle all post-install enquiries. Plus three additional staff to handle all warranty claims! We pride ourselves on training our staff to handle an array of challenging questions you might have about your system after it’s been installed so that we can best support you as a new solar owner. We also use dedicated service solar electricians to ensure you get a speedy and informed resolution should any issues arise. Our service department handle enquiries about:
- Grid voltage related issues
- Battery and monitoring enquiries
- Online communication issues
- Performance and yield enquiries
- Inverter or panel faults, and support through the warranty process.
- Recommendations about consumption patterns
- Customers improvement recommendations
- Organising annual maintenance
What’s more, we actually assist a large section of the market who are “solar orphans”. That is those customers whose original company has liquidated or that they find to be unresponsive to their concerns. Solargain can assist most of these customers as we are preferred service agents for most major inverter, panel and battery manufacturers in the market. We also have a lot of great content on our website to help customers monitor their systems performance, conduct resets, set up wifi and much more. Visit our service page here
Here at Solargain, we’re one of the few leading companies who are wholly Australian owned and are actually a family business to this day! While not everyone here are related by blood, this is a photo of our Rockingham “family”, having fun helping out customers!